General Information

We are glad to announce the next CFOSAT science team workshop in Biarritz (France) from 18 to 20 March 2025.
The workshop will take place in a typical Basque house "Au château du Clair de Lune" (,  which is located about 1.5 km from Biarritz downtown and the popular surf spot at "La grande plage" (long beach).

It is still possible to register to attend the conference, but the deadline for abstract submission is over.

Provisional Agenda

The meeting will start at 9:00 on March 18th and end around 12:00 on March 20th.

A detailed agenda is available from the left menu .



We recall that CFOSAT (The China France Oceanography SATtellite) was launched on October 29th 2018 with the aim of measuring wind and surface ocean waves using two radar instruments SWIM and SCAT.

Since the launch of CFOSAT, continuous improvements have been brought to the SWIM and SCAT products to guarantee the best quality of the data. Original results have been obtained thanks to CFOSAT on wind, waves, currents, sea ice, ...

The objective of the meeting is to share at the international level the most recent results based on CFOSAT observations.

It will also help to provide scientific advices to the space agencies in charge of the CFOSAT mission, on the data quality, instrument modes of operations and mission centers products.

Two years after the renewel of the science team,  all its members are highly encouraged to present their results and pespectives.
The meeting is also open to all scientists interested in becoming new users of CFOSAT data and to those whose research is complementary to those carried out with CFOSAT observations.


Practical information (transport, hotels, tourism) are available with the corresponding menu on the left.
The detailed program will be available at the beginning of March


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